Part time work options:
- Use your hobby to write your blogs and publish your blog to monetize
(For example share tips and experiences on gardening, cooking, places to visit, trekking etc)
- If you have a blog or a website, you have also start affiliate marketing for other major websites like, hostgator, flipkart etc
- Use your hobby to create short videos and publish these videos on to monetize, you may start your own channel as well
- Freelancing/ part time jobs based on your skills, be careful while selecting the websites
- Conduct Tuitions/ Trainings based on your skills - In person or e-tuitions
- Write small stories, novels, books and publish electronically on amazon
- Take up Data entry jobs online, be careful while selecting the websites
- If you can draw and paint then you can create and sell your drawing/ paintings
Investment options:
- If you have some money to invest then buying and selling property is a very good option
- Invest in mutual funds
- Invest in bonds/ shares/ derivatives
- Invest in fixed deposits, small saving schemes
Small Business:
Look for options to start a franchise, these days there are numerous local, national and international options available. You can choose based on your interest and financial readiness.
- Use your hobby to write your blogs and publish your blog to monetize
(For example share tips and experiences on gardening, cooking, places to visit, trekking etc)
- If you have a blog or a website, you have also start affiliate marketing for other major websites like, hostgator, flipkart etc
- Use your hobby to create short videos and publish these videos on to monetize, you may start your own channel as well
- Freelancing/ part time jobs based on your skills, be careful while selecting the websites
- Conduct Tuitions/ Trainings based on your skills - In person or e-tuitions
- Write small stories, novels, books and publish electronically on amazon
- Take up Data entry jobs online, be careful while selecting the websites
- If you can draw and paint then you can create and sell your drawing/ paintings
Investment options:
- If you have some money to invest then buying and selling property is a very good option
- Invest in mutual funds
- Invest in bonds/ shares/ derivatives
- Invest in fixed deposits, small saving schemes
Small Business:
Look for options to start a franchise, these days there are numerous local, national and international options available. You can choose based on your interest and financial readiness.
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